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Muck heap saddle clubbers.HEIC

Saddle Club
Chrysalis Club

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Saddle Club can be booked online. Four spaces for all day, four spaces each for morning and afternoon at the w/e, two spaces for the evening sessions on Thursdays and Fridays. Children must be age 10+ years old, We encourage younger. children age 10 and 11 to just do half days. Age 12 the children usually have more stamina to enjoy spending the whole day on the yard. 


Saddle Club is a fun interactive way for young riders to learn about stable management, yard activities and how to look after a pony.


Timing:-  Saturdays and/or Sundays and during the school holidays and recently introduced Thursday and Friday evenings. 


Children get to join in with grooming, tacking up, leading, sweeping, feeding (but not making up feeds), watering, rug changing, turning out, tying ponies up, tack cleaning, assisting customers and supporting and encouraging each other.


The older children age 13+ years can help with leading ponies in the manège during lead rein lessons. (Recent insurance company directives have limited the age at which children are allowed to lead ponies in lessons).


We encourage Saddle Club members to join the Pony Club (PC) for enjoyable training goals.


Fees payable for attendance on Saturdays and Sundays all day £10 per session, or £7 for a half day morning session morning or and £12 for an afternoon session and £5 for an evening session. The sessions are 08.30 - 5.30 pm for all day, and 08.30 - 1pm for morning and 1-5.30pm for afternoons and 4-7pm for evenings. The price differential is to encourage a better balance of attendance. The mornings, inevitably are harder work but many hands make light work and there is usually time for the more fun jobs towards the end of the morning session. 


The Saddle Club Star System runs for all the Saddle Clubbers and allows them to earn stars which they can use for saddle club kit (uniform) and towards lessons, training and days out. Saddle Clubbers who are members of the Pony Club are awarded bonus stars if they wear their Pony Club or Saddle Club uniform. .


Saddle Clubbers are expected to look smart and presentable in Pony Club Kit or Saddle Club uniform when they have gained enough stars to acquire it or have been lucky enough to have had it purchased for them. The Saddle Club uniform lets clients know that they are an established part of the Bulby Team who have earned their 'colours' and so will be able to help them. For the Saddle Club Shop click here


During the holidays for senior Saddle Club, a fee of £10 per day is payable and the day runs from 8.30am to 5.30 pm, or £7 is payable for the 8.30-1pm and £12 for the 1-5.30pm split days. 


You will need to provide your child with a pack-lunch and ensure they have suitable clothing, depending on the weather. It is not necessary for children to have their own riding apparel, as we can provide riding hats and footwear. Hat hire is £2.50 per session.


Parents should read the risk assessment sheets at the yard and the yard rules.  Our aim is to make the environment safe and enjoyable and we depend upon the children being able to understand and to be willing to keep yard rules.



Chrysalis club can be booked online. Children must be age 8+ years old. 


This is an opportunity for eight and nine year olds who have done Pony Club Badge Nights, or older children who are new to yard work and caring for horses, to build and develop practical skills and understanding on the yard before they start Saddle Club proper.


Children may attend for two hours on Saturday or Sunday afternoons 1 to 3 pm.


The Chrysalis Saddle Club is usually run by Alex on Saturday.

Places can be booked online and children age 8+ years of age can attend. Chrysalis Club runs all year round and clients are able to book as many or as few slots as they wish, subject to availability. There is more intense supervision and the opportunity to earn Pony Club Badges. It brings the fun of Pony Club Badge nights to the week-end. 


Click here for pfd  about Chrysalis Saddle Club 



Please may the Bulby Team alert you to the yard policy that mobile phone use amongst Saddle Clubbers, for health and safety and social reasons, is restricted on the yard. Children who bring phones to Saddle Club will be asked to hand them over for storage in the safe. The phones will be returned at the end of the  Saddle Club session. We want children to be alert to potential dangers on the yard, alert to the needs of the ponies, alert to instruction from staff and engaged in the care of ponies and engaged in interaction with the ponies and each other. With permission, occasional use to film a lesson, or to share things with each other during breaks is allowed.  For emergency messages incoming and outgoing then the yard phone is the means of communication. Yard mobile 07843 139232. Hack mobile 07950 433096
Many thanks for your understanding and co-operation. 
Sue & Team Bulby



This is very similar to Saddle Club but for adults and with timings avaible to suit a variable working day. The club are a chance to build skills caring for horses and ponies, learning to muck out, catch and lead ponies in from the field, pick feet out, groom, tack up, untack, wash off, rinse bits, clean tack and learn about the management of ponies.

It is an adults' fresh air learning and social time just enjoying being in the countryside with equine and human friends.

All the sessions can be booked online.

Bring yard wear, no baggy clothes, no jewellery, sensible footwear in case your feet get trodden on, gloves, cold weather coats and a riding helmet or you can hire one of our riding helmets.

Clients and staff wear riding hats when on the ground with the horses as part of routine PPE. 

We look forwar to meeting you. 


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© 2022 by Kate Ekstrom 


Pony Club



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